
Chakra Meanings

Through these chakra meanings you will have a better understanding of chakra energy and their characteristics.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word (The ancient language of India in which most religious and spiritual literature was written) that literally means “wheel.” The chakras are interpreted as wheels of energy and as they spin they move the energy up and down the body. They run up the center of the body, parallel to the spinal column.

The basic human chakra system, as it is commonly accepted, consists of seven chakras stretching from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Their names, locations and corresponding chakra colors are:

  1. Root chakra — base of the spine — red
  2. Sacral chakra — just below the navel — orange
  3. Solar Plexus chakra — stomach area — yellow
  4. Heart chakra — center of the chest — green
  5. Throat chakra — base of the throat — blue
  6. Third Eye chakra — forehead, just above area between the eyes — indigo
  7. Crown chakra — top of the head — violet
Sometimes, a Sanskrit name is used instead of plain English because the study of the chakra system as we know it in our modern Western culture originates mostly from yogic traditions from India. You’ll sometimes find them referenced as:


  1. “Muladhara”
  2. “Svadhishthana”
  3. “Manipura”
  4. “Anahata”
  5. “Vishuddha”
  6. “Ajna”
  7. “Sahasrara”

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