Esoteric Numerology 101: The Basics
Divine Numbers, The Language of the Universe
What is numerology?
Esoteric numerology is the art and science of understanding the spiritual significance and orderly progression of all manifestation.
Pythagoras, the father of mathematics, discovered the mystical significance of the numbers, noting that the numbers 1 through 9 stand, macro-cosmically, for universal principles. On the personal level, micro-cosmically, they stand for characteristics, abilities and events.
- Numerology & The Divine Triangle
Numerology is another way in which we can visually see when synchronicity occur in our lives. A specific pattern of numbers that is specific to you may appear as a sign that you are on the right path, a gentle nod from the Universe that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Spirit communicates via the conscious and subconscious mind. Only we know when a sign is meant for us because the communication is unique to our personal experience. The more you learn about numbers, the more you can understand the energetic significance behind the number code.
Your Personal Numbers
At birth, you are blessed with four personal numbers: the Life Lesson Number, the Soul Number, The Outer Personality Number and the Path of Destiny Number. These are determined by your birth-date and the letters in your name.
Life Lesson Number
Your life lesson number represents the challenges and lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime, which is also a strong determining factor in your career choice. This particular number cannot be altered because this is derived from your birth-date. "It indicates vocation plus the lesson you came into carnation to overcome or to learn. It also represents the cosmic gift you are given in order to accomplish your destiny."
Soul Number
Your soul number is derived from adding up the vowels in your name. This number represents the real you that only you truly know; the you that could never fully be understood by any one outside of you. Should you be an individual that takes into consideration the possibilities of reincarnation, this number also represents the energy of who you have been in previous lifetimes. This is also the you that you desire to be - if and when you were to step into your greatest potential. "Since the Soul Number reveals something of accumulated growth in past lives, it becomes an underlying force which influences the actions of your present life."
Outer Personality Number
Your Outer Personality Number is derived from adding up the consonants in your name. This number represents the energy that other people see and perceive from you; how others see you and what they expect to see from you. This does not necessarily reflect who you really are.
Path of Destiny Number
Your Path of Destiny Number is your Outer Personality Number + your Soul Number added together. This number symbolizes what you must do and accomplish in this lifetime. What did you come here to manifest?
What do the numbers themselves represent?
In numerology, each number represents a specific step in the process of manifestation.
The Cosmic Egg from which all things originate. The absence of quality, quantity or mass. Absolute freedom from every limitation. A symbol of the infinite and eternal Conscious Energy, itself No-Thing, though manifested in everything. That which was, is, and shall be forever. In it are included all imaginable and unimaginable possibilities, but it transcends them all.
The Qabalists call it: (a) No-Thing; (b) The Boundless; (c) Limitless Light. Pure Conscious Energy., above and beyond thought, to us it is Superconsciousness.
The male principle - the yang. The pioneer seeking experiences to establish identity. The beginning initiative.
Qabalists call it the Admirable or Wonderful Intelligence.
Keywords: original, independent, aggressive, individualistic, dominant, authority, "He who goes forth."
The pair. Duplication, indecisiveness. The diplomat, the go-between, the peacemaker.
Qabalists call it Wisdom and the Illuminating Intelligence.
Keywords: adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, caution; a follower
Combines the qualities of 1 and 2. Diversified vibration. Scattered energy. Multiplication, development, and growth. Carries the qualities of manifestation and self-expression. Happy-go-lucky. Qabalists call it the Sanctifying Intelligence.
Keywords: expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, creative.
Stability, 4-square consciousness, a symbol of law, system and order. It is firmness, security, stability, and conservatism. Measurement, classification, recording.
Qabalists call 4 the Measuring Intelligence and make 4 the number of memory because the Life-power's perfect memory of ts own potencies and of the needs of even the least of its centers of expression cannot be supposed to fail.
Keywords: form, work, order, construction, stability, endurance, discipline
Mediation (because 5 is the middle number between 1 and 9), adaptation, means, agency, activity, process and the like. 5 is the dynamic Law proceeding from abstract Order (4). It is freedom, change and adventure.
Qabalists call it the Radical Intelligence.
Keywords: versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity, travel, adventure, promotion
Conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into its environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind, and it can therefore be an effective teacher, counselor or healer. Balance, equilibrium, symmetry, beauty; harmony of opposites, reciprocity; complementary activities, polarity, love.
Qabalists call 6 the Intelligence of Meditating Influence or Intelligence of the Separated Emanations.
Keywords: family, social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, creativity
Seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence which has never questioned to this point. But solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own.
This number stands for the logical consequence of the ideas symbolized by the numbers preceding it in the series. A perfect Life-Power.
Qabalists call it the Occult or Hidden Intelligence.
Keywords: quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, mystical
Will assume power, for it now has achieved control and responsibility in the chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed, and expansion and growth in the business world take place.
Rhythm, alternate cycles of involution and evolution, vibration, flux and reflux, and the like. It represents also the fact that opposite forms of expression are the effects of a single cause.
Qabalists call it the Perfect Intelligence.
Keywords: power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgment, recognition
Is selflessness and compassion. Encompassing love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is the artist and thinker who as developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the world.
Completion, attainment, fulfillment, the foal of endeavor, the end of a cycle of activity.
Qabalists call 9 the Basis or Foundation and corresponds to the mode of consciousness names Pure or Clear Intelligence because the completion of any process is the pure, clear, unadulterated expression of the intention or idea which initiated that process.
Keywords: love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless service, endings
My two main text books in my studies of Numerology are Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker and Paul Foster Case's The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages. After nearly 5 years of studying Vedic Astrology & Numerology, I can confidently say that understanding the energetic significance of numbers has allowed me to view the world from an wider and more magnificent vista.